Canada’s universities strengthen ties with Mexican partners

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – Canada today boosted its research and higher education ties with Mexico as the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada renewed its memorandum of understanding with its counterpart organization in Mexico, the National Association of Universities and Institutions (ANUIES).
The five-year agreement aims to broaden Canada-Mexico cooperation in higher education in areas of information exchange, joint events, policy dialogue around internationalization and the promotion of two-way student mobility. AUCC and ANUIES have worked together since 2005.
Canada’s universities have long been committed to working with Mexican universities to advance our mutual research and innovation agendas,” said AUCC vice-president, Christine Tausig Ford, who was in Mexico for the signing. “The announcements and agreements made today by AUCC and Canadian universities are a clear signal that our universities put a priority on building education, research and innovation links.”
A delegation of Canadian universities is in Mexico September 8 to 12 to reinforce existing research and institutional partnerships and bolster student mobility between the two countries. Led by AUCC and organized with strong support from the Canadian Embassy in Mexico, the delegation consists of presidents and senior representatives from 14 universities, as well as representatives from Mitacs, a Canadian organization that provides research internships and fellowships to university students, and Languages Canada.
Mexico is a priority country in Canada’s International Education Strategy and Global Markets Action Plan. That means Canada is using trade policy tools, including building on international education linkages, to enhance our commercial interests.
Participating delegates from the University of Regina, Lakehead University, Université du Québec à Montréal and Mitacsalso announced new or renewed agreements with Mexican partners. The announcements include the launch of programs and scholarships to promote two-way mobility of Canadian and Mexican students for the purpose of academic exchange, language study, collaborative research, industry internships and strengthening linkages between our countries’ aboriginal and indigenous populations.
ANUIES is the national and international voice of Mexican universities, representing 180 higher education institutions.
About Universities Canada
Universities Canada is the voice of Canada’s universities at home and abroad, advancing higher education, research and innovation for the benefit of all Canadians.
Lisa Wallace
Assistant Director, Communications
Universities Canada
[email protected]