Partenariats de recherche universités-industrie
University of Manitoba | Intelligence artificielle
Principales installations
Human-Computer Interaction Lab is committed to exploring new and innovative research areas in human-computer interaction. The lab also provides software usability testing services for industry companies.
Grands projets
Visual and Automated Disease Analytics (VADA) focuses on understanding the vast stores of health data in new ways. Creating interactive visualization and automated tools that will make sense of all the data, helping policy-makers to manage chronic diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis, and quickly detect and prevent infectious disease outbreaks such as Zika virus. NSERC CREATE funding is instrumental in developing this program. Graduate students receive an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional training in the field of data analytics equipping them with skills the workforce critically needs.
Rapport Strategies With a Collaborative Robot exploring gender-related issues surrounding collaborative human-robot teams on assembly lines.
A Visual Processing Approach to Exploring Believability of Android Faces focuses on the challenge of creating a robot that can pass as a near human. This project explores a visual processing approach to investigating the believability of android faces.
Would You Do as a Robot Commands? This project focuses on the question: can the authority figure effect apply to robots as well as people?
- Pourang Irani, Canada Research Chair. Research focuses on human-computer interaction and information visualization. Designing and implementing innovative tools that give users access to diverse information types and through a variety of computing devices.
- Andrea Bunt, Co-Director Human-Computer Interaction Lab and Professor, Department of Computer Science. Research focuses on human-computer interaction and intelligent interactive systems focusing on software learnability, improving computing experiences in rural and remote communities, and designing technologies for children and families.
- John Anderson, Professor, Computer Science. Research focuses on multi-agent systems, including hardware (robots) and software (agents), and robotics.
- James Young, Assistant Professor, Computer Science. Research focuses on how companies can introduce robots into our work environments and how they can be better integrated into our homes.
Programmes spéciaux et apprentissage intégré au travail
−Autonomous Agents Laboratory works on the improvement of technology surrounding hardware and software agents as well as the development of applications employing these technologies. Researchers are especially interested in cooperation in multi-agent settings, and the infrastructure necessary to support this and other forms of social interaction in intelligent systems.
- Microsoft Research
- Autodesk Research
- Epson
- NGrain
- Convergent/ Boeing
- Honda Research
- VIA Technologies
- Intel
- Sightline