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McMaster University | Systèmes de mobilité

Principales installations

McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC): is one of the largest transportation electrification research programs in North America working to resolve the issues facing the automotive industry with co-located facilities, such as the Centre for Mechatronics and Hybrid Technologies, Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion and Initiative for Automotive Manufacturing Innovation.

Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research (BIMR): operates sophisticated infrastructure for the production and advanced characterization of materials, including the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM).

Grands projets

NSERC Automotive Partnership Canada – Leadership in Automotive Powertrain (APC-LEAP): Led by Dr. Ali Emadi, this industry partner collaborative project focuses on the development of next generation hybrid-electric drivetrains for vehicles.

Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Hybrid Powertrain: Led by Dr. Ali Emadi, this world-leading academic research program in transportation electrification focused on pioneering sustainable energy-efficient solutions for electric, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

NSERC/Ford Industrial Research Chair (IRC): Led by Dr. Saeid Habibi, this program considers model-based strategies for testing and performance analysis of components and sub-systems in hybrid powertrains for vehicle diagnostics.


  • Dr. Ali Emadi, Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering; CERC in Hybrid Powertrain. Research focuses motor, powertrain, and energy storage systems for electric, hybrid and smart or autonomous vehicles.
  • Dr. Saeid Habibi, Department of Mechanical Engineering; NSERC/Ford Canada IRC in HEV Powertrain Diagnostics. Research focuses on mechatronics for automotive tracking and control, fault diagnostics, fluid power and hydraulics.
  • Dr. Mark Lawford, Professor, Department of Computing and Software. Research focuses on formal development of embedded systems and software certification.
  • Dr. Joseph McDermid, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; NSERC/US Steel Canada Senior IRC in Advanced Coated Steels. Research focuses on metal forming and corrosion.

Programmes spéciaux et apprentissage intégré au travail

  • EcoCar 3 is North America’s premier collegiate-level automotive engineering competition in which student teams explore sustainable transportation solutions by re-engineering a Chevrolet Camaro into a hybrid-electric vehicle while maintaining performance.
  • NSERC CREATE in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain is a career-oriented research and training program for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows working on disruptive alternative technologies to fossil fuels in the automotive sector.


  • Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA)
  • Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.
  • General Motors of Canada Ltd.
  • Sevcon Canada Inc.
  • Toyota InfoTechnology Center, U.S.A., Inc.

Universités Canada