Préparer les étudiants à des carrières enrichissantes
Text on screen: [Universities Canada logo]
Text on screen: [In conversation with Eddy Campbell President University of New Brunswick]
Text on screen: [Preparing students for rewarding career]
Eddy Campbell: If we define entrepreneurs as those who want to create opportunities for themselves and for others, I think we pretty much cover an attitude that a lot of our students seem to have today.
They really do want to make a difference. They want to change things by doing things. It’s important to realize that first job is the hard one for most graduates of our program. Once they have their first job they have all the tools and equipment they need, the intellectual ability to succeed. If we’re able to help them through such things as work related, career related experiences while they’re still students that first job is all the easier and moreover the employers are happier with our students being more ready for work.
Text on screen: [Universities Canada. The voice of Canada’s Universities]
Les universités sont des foyers de la pensée entrepreneuriale et de l’innovation, selon le recteur de la University of New Brunswick, Eddy Campbell.
Vidéo et transcription disponibles en anglais seulement
Catégorie : Compétences et talent