Learning about research in Africa

September 19, 2016
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African researcher holding a blade of grass in the forest.

Highlights from the Canada-Africa Research Exchange Grants program (2010–2016).

Whether it is working on reducing the impact of harvesting on the global carbon budget in Cameroon or identifying the needs and barriers among medical and nursing personnel as it relates to postoperative pain management in Kenya, the most recent phase of the Canada – Africa Research Exchange Grants program awarded funding to international research projects in a wide range of disciplines and countries.

Since it was established in 2010 and until 2016 when it came to an end, the program worked to promote international partnerships among academic researchers from Canada and their counterparts in Africa as they attempt to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing the continent through:

  • the development of new action-oriented research and training collaborations or the strengthening and broadening of existing ones
  • the improvement of the knowledge and know-how of African and Canadian academics

In Phase 2 of the program, which ran from March 2013 to August 2016 the program awarded over $ 860,000 to 22 projects in 11 African countries.

With the support of:

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Tagged:  Global connections and development, Research and technology

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