Becoming a role model

June 13, 2018
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Text on screen: [Becoming a role model]

Sara Fulla, Vancouver Island University:

Part of the reason I came back to the university is because my fac—the Department of Recreation and Tourism encouraged me to come back and said if you need to take your – your baby into the classroom, you’re more than welcome to. And that helped me come back instead of taking a year off, which probably would have led to, like, two or three more years.

I feel like coming to campus, I’m creating – I’m showing her that I have strength and that anything is possible. When I – the reason I come to – like, I’m continuing my education is because I want to be a role model not just to her but to, like, my nieces and my nephews, and I want them to know that anything is possible.

Text on screen: [Universities Canada, The voice of Canada’s universities]

Vancouver Island University student Sara Fulla talks about the support she received from the university to continue her studies following the birth of her daughter and how she sees herself as a role model for the next generation of her family.

View Indigenous programs and services at Vancouver Island University

Tagged:  Indigenous education, Strong and inclusive communities

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