Universities: Partners in Canada’s COVID-19 recovery

A strong Canada needs strong universities. As Canada moves toward recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s universities will help accelerate the country’s ability to build back better.

By ensuring high quality education for students, providing skills training for workers displaced by the pandemic, and driving research and innovation for Canada’s future, universities will support Canadian communities to emerge stronger on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic and help build a stronger, more innovative and more inclusive Canada.

  • 93%
    value strong universities

    93% of Canadians believe strong universities are essential to creating a healthy, safe and prosperous Canada.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 88%
    believe investments are needed in higher education

    88% of Canadians believe Canada should invest heavily in higher education to ensure a prosperous future during these uncertain times.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 84%
    support higher education

    84% of Canadians believe we need higher education now more than ever before.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.

Driving research and innovation

Universities are on the front lines in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerating post-pandemic recovery through research, innovation and knowledge mobilization. They are conducting medical research to find a vaccine, pursuing social research to understand the impacts of the pandemic on human behaviour, and advancing economic and historical research to teach lessons from the past and chart a course for the future.

Spotlight onText on image: Tackling the pandemic through research and knowledge mobilization: Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine at Université de Montréal are helping tackle COVID-19 by understanding the evolution of the virus, predicting the effectiveness of drugs and vaccines, and identifying new therapies and treatments.

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  • 93%
    believe universities can make the world
    a better place

    93% of Canadians believe that universities have an important role to play in making the world a better place through science, research and innovation.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 90%
    support research and innovation

    More than 90% of Canadians believe it is important for Canada’s universities to play a role in inventing the medicines, technologies and innovations the world needs.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.

Upskilling and reskilling Canadians

Universities are equipping Canadians of all ages and backgrounds, including those who have been displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the essential skills needed to support Canada’s recovery and accelerate long-term prosperity.

Spotlight onText on screen: Fostering a culture of lifelong learning: Thanks to volunteer professors and community professionals, Kwantlen Polytechnic University is offering low-cost online courses for students over the age of 50 who wish to continue their education, learn new skills and connect with others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • 95%
    believe university education leads to
    a bright future

    95% of Canadians believe universities have an important role to play in providing young people with bright futures.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 83%
    support lifelong learning

    83% of Canadians believe it is important for universities to play a role in providing opportunities for older Canadians to continue their education.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.

Supporting students at home and abroad

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, universities have been adapting and innovating to deliver the highest quality of education possible to students at home and abroad. And while many students have started their studies online, universities are working with all levels of government to ensure a safe and welcoming return to campus for students—both domestic and international—as soon as conditions permit.

Spotlight onText on image: Bringing hands-on learning to the virtual classroom: Professors at the University of Toronto are innovating to recreate campus laboratories, class field trips, international partnerships and more to support students as they learn virtually and offer unique and valuable hands-on learning opportunities.

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  • 89%
    value universities' global partnerships

    89% of Canadians believe universities have an important role to play in establishing global connections and partnerships for the benefit of Canada.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 89%
    believe universities attract top talent

    89% of Canadians believe it is important for Canada’s universities to play a role in attracting top talent from around the world.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.

Investing in a sustainable Canada

Universities value the importance of green, digital and accessible infrastructure to help mitigate the effects of climate change, reduce their carbon footprint and ensure a sustainable post-pandemic recovery for Canada and the world.

Spotlight onText on image: Using a multidisciplinary approach to create a sustainable Canada: The University of British Columbia’s Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability is leveraging the expertise of researchers across disciplines to explore and develop solutions, best practices and tools to help ensure climate resiliency and environmental sustainability in the future.

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  • 86%
    want a smaller carbon footprint

    86% of Canadians believe universities have an important role to play in developing solutions for a strong economy with a smaller carbon footprint.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 85%
    believe climate solutions are needed

    85% of Canadians believe it is important for Canada’s universities to play a role in finding climate solutions the world needs.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.

Ensuring an inclusive recovery

Closing the economic and equity gaps that have been exacerbated by COVID-19 is essential to building a more prosperous and equal future for Canada. Universities are committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion on campus and in our society to ensure an inclusive recovery that benefits all Canadians.

Spotlight on

Text on image: Supporting students of all backgrounds to gain an education: Mount Saint Vincent University has launched a tuition waiver program to help open doors to university students who grew up in the foster care system. The MSVU Post-Care Tuition Waiver Program will begin in January 2021 and cover 100% of participating students’ tuition and compulsory fees.

Learn more.

  • 88%
    believe universities can help address discrimination

    88% of Canadians believe universities have an important role to play in reducing inequality and discrimination.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
  • 86%
    believe universities can help reduce

    86% of Canadians believe universities play an important role in reducing the gap between the wealthiest and poorest populations in Canada.

    Source: Abacus Data polling on behalf of Universities Canada, October 2020.
Universities Canada