Equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives at Canadian universities

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St. Francis Xavier University helps connect underrepresented groups to local jobs

Working with community partners, the Centre for Employment Innovation in St. Francis Xavier University is supporting a program to connect people from underrepresented groups to local jobs in their field.

The New Opportunities Work (NOW) program, funded by the provincial government, targets First Nations, African Nova Scotians, racially visible individuals, people on employment support and income assistance, persons with disability and workers over the age of 55.

NOW provides participants with training, job supports and meaningful work for at least $15 per hour over two years. The program pays up to $10.50 of their hourly wage with employers making up the difference. Employers also receive awareness-training about how to create a welcoming and safe work environment.

Since its launch in July 2017, the program has connected more than 170 people to over 100 workplaces across the province, surpassing its goal of helping 150 job seekers in year one.

The university is monitoring the program and will evaluate results. In this way, it hopes to generate solid evidence about what works to support the design and delivery of front-line employment services.

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September 6, 2018
Universities Canada